Global variables in Python

In Python, as is in many programming languages, global variables are variables that are accessible anywhere in a class unless shadowed by a local variable inside the same class. More of classes in a later tutorial. Local variables are those declared inside a function and are only accessible in that function only. We say their scope is local to that function where they are declared in.

How to declare a global variable in Python

Mainly a global variable in Python is declared outside a function. The global variable can then be used inside functions.


On running the above program, we get below results

Changing value of a global variable inside a function changes value within the function only-not outside the function

When the value of a global variable is changed inside a function, its new value is local to the function in which the change is made. The global value is retained and access to the global variable gives the initial old value


When we run the above program we get output as below

Global keyword-changing the value of a global variable in a function

We use the global to modify the value of a global variable inside a function. Using our earlier example lets proceed to see this in action

On running the above program we get the output as below

Global variable cannot be modified inside a function, unless we use the global keyword

Suppose we want to change/modify the value of a global variable inside a function, we will not succeed unless we use the global keyword.

Let’s see this with an example

When we run the above program we get output as below

Let’s remedy by using the global variable as seen earlier so that we are able to modify the name global variable

When we run the above program, we get the output below

Create global variables from inside a function

Global variables can be created from inside a function by using the global keyword.

Lets see two(2) scenarios ,whereby one, a local variable is accessed outside the  function it is defined in and the other whereby a local variable is made global.


When the above program is run, we get below output

On line 10 we are trying to access name variable which is local to function printname() and not visible on line 10.

Let’s remedy this scenario

Once we run the above program , the output is as below

About the Author - John Kyalo Mbindyo(Bsc Computer Science) is a Senior Application Developer currently working at NCBA Bank Group,Nairobi- Kenya.He is passionate about making programming tutorials and sharing his knowledge with other software engineers across the globe. You can learn more about him and follow him on  Github.